Vladimir Jovanovski was born in 1983 in Kumanovo, Macedonia.
Active in art photographery from his tenth year. In the last ten years he has exhibited his works on 200 international exhibitions in more than 25 countries around the world, whereby he won numerous awards.
He was an activist and president in the photo cinema club Kozjak, and is now a member of the photo club Kumanovo. Honorary member of Image Sans Frontier, Image Colleague Society and Kragujevac Photo Club.
President of IAAP and representative for Macedonia at ISF and UPI. In photography he is no ordinary registrant of things. Around himself he feels the space, light, ambient and life and in search for them he is facing with emotions that he translate into his own photographic creations.
We have honor to represent our young friend with his work. Take a look and enjoy!
The winner of Grand PRIX Award for best photography of the Salon Shadow 2016, titled Yacht Race 10, Mr. Godfrey Wong, USA
Godfrey Wong, currently working as a commercial film director in the United States. Godfrey began his black and white photographic endeavors when he was in middle school. Many rolls of black and white film cemented a love of monochrome photography.
Since he was a teenager, he’s actively participating in international photography exhibitions. He was a PSA 5-star in PPD Mono division in 1985 and earned more than 6,000 acceptances and 900 awards from international photographic exhibitions.
He was also the Top Ten of the world in the PSA “Who´s Who” listings in the CPID, EID, Nature, Photojournalism and PPD Division, published in several books and magazines.
The feeling of self-satisfaction that he consistently experience from the creative process is matched by the satisfaction he experienced when delivering his finished product that inspires imagination, pleases the eyes and presents the subject in a light and environment never to be repeated again. He is an artist, a visual communicator and most of all, a story teller.
It was finished the Jury of Serbia PHOTO Association – 3rd International Salon Shadow 2016 of : Mr. Vladimir Jovanovski, (President), Ljljana Vrzic – member, Nenad Nikolic, MD – member.
In the pleasant atmosphere of the Photo Club Kumanovo, Macedonia, was are assigned numerous of prestigious awards – medals and commendations under the patronage of well-known international photographic associations – FIAP, PSA, RPS, GPU and Medals/Mentions of Serbia PHOTO Salon.
They were selected as photos from Digital section for the following themes: Macro, Landscape, Portrait and Shadow . The Jury also assigned FIAP Blue Badge, for the author with the most accepted works, as well as a Special Prize – Grand Prix of the Salon for the best photography of the Salon Shadow 2016.
The jury also chose the awards from Print Sections of the Salon Shadow 2016. Between many printed photographic works, were selected the best works in topics: Open Color and Open Monochrome.
You can find published results, in accordance with the rules of the Salon, on the Serbia PHOTO web site. Every participant already got emailed a Personal Report of the results achieved at the Salon Shadow 2016.
We wish to all participants of the Salon a “good light” and further success in dealing with the creative and artistic photography.
2nd International Photo Exhibition Singidunum 2016, organized by the Association of Serbia PHOTO, was opened on 29 March 2016 in the Special Gallery of main Railway Station in Belgrade, Serbia.
Visitors had the opportunity to see all accepted and 50 winning photographs as well, and to attend the digital projection of the received works. In this competition received the 4304 photos of 304 authors from 55 countries worldwide. Jury for the 2nd International Salon Singidunum 2016 was: Mr. Branislav Strugar, MF FSS; ULUPUDS; Mr. Aleksandar Kelić, MF FSS; ULUPUDS and Dr. Nenad Nikolic, F1 FSS; AFIAP. Delegate of Photo Association of Serbia in this exhibition was Božidar Vitas, KMF FSS; AFIAP.
Awardsto the winnerswas presented by Professor Ljiljana Vrzic, a member ofSerbiaPHOTO Association.
In the opening part of the exhibition, played a musical ensemble “Romance”: Professor ŽivojinVelimirović, violin and Professor Ladislav Mezei, cello.
Welcome to the opening of the international exhibition of photography: 2nd International Salon Singidunum 2016 King Salon on main Railway station, Belgrade, Serbia
March 29, 2016 at 19h
Exhibition will open by Dr Nenad Nikolic
We will present the award-winning and received photographs from the print category of Salon. Also being projected all rewarded and accepted works from the digital section.
I am addressing you with a request to peek little bit at the misplaced parts of your shelves, browse your old photo bags and other valuable sources of photo equipment. You may find some old camera that you no longer need (whether analog or digital (preferred).
Give these forgotten cameras as a gift to the children of Leposavic and Strpce on Kosovo, Serbia.
In that way, we will be able to launch a spring elementary photography course with children from primary and secondary schools.
We truly believe it will bring them the endless joy, opening views to another, more beautiful world, the world of magic moments in photography art.
To every donor, we will submit the student’s contact info who is get the camera from you. Therefore, You will be able to remain in contact with young photographer in the future, to monitor the development and progress in work of each child on Course.
We address this appeal also to the big photo companies such as Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Sony, Fuji and others, considering that this population does not representing theirs target group.
But, reconsider that, any donation of Camera may also help to show the world some new Bresson, Anselm Adams or Peđa Vuckovic.
In return, Serbia FOTO association may provide a place for a banner, at the highest site traffic moments.
Plese, send the gifts to the following address:
Ljiljana Vrzić Stanoja Glavaša 13 / 48 11000 Belgrade Serbia
Marcel van Balken EFIAP/p EPSA
Marcel van Balken has been a photographer in the Netherlands for about 35 years and is a member of FIAP and PSA. He won lots of awards in international salons and exhibitions.
His photography has been published all over the world in photo magazines & books, on calendars, on television and several websites.
As a photographer he is interested in specific themes. He believes in working thematically with an absolute preference for surrealistic and creative photography. He gives himself a kind of theme or assignment and will not stop making photographs unless he thinks he got everything out of this assignment.
Today is finished the Jury of Serbia PHOTO Association – 2nd International Salon Singidunum 2016 of : Profesor Aleksandar Kelic, (President), Master of Photography Art Branislav Strugar, member, Nenad Nikolic, MD, member.
Jury of Salon Singidunum 2016
In the pleasant atmosphere of the Grand Hall of the Main Railway station in Belgrade, Serbia was are assigned 150 prestigious awards – medals and commendations under the patronage of well-known domestic and international photographic associations – FSS, FIAP, PSA, RPS, GPU. Regularity, supervising and monitoring of the jury was provided by a Representative FSS Božidar Vitas from Belgrade.
Jury of Salon Singidunum 2016
They were selected as photos from Digital section for the following themes: Street, Landscape, Portrait and Experiment. The Jury also assigned FIAP Blue Badge, for the author with the most accepted works, as well as a Special Prize – Grand Prix of the Salon for the best photography of the Salon Singidunum 2016.
Professor Aleksandar Kelic, MFFSS, ULUPUDS, President of Jury
The jury also chose the awards from Print Sections of the Salon Singidunum 2016. Between 1234 printed photographic works, were selected the best works in topics: Open Color and Open Monochrome.
Mr. Branislav Strugar MFFSS, ULUPUDS, member of the Jury
Results will be published, in accordance with the rules of the Salon, on the Serbia PHOTO web site . Every participant will be emailed a Personal Report of the results achieved at the Salon Singidunum 2016.
Nenad Nikolić, MD., AFIAP, F1 FSS, member of the Jyry
We wish to all participants of the Salon a “good light” and further success in dealing with the creative and artistic photography.
Mr. Bozidar Vitas
Photos by: Bozidar Vitas, AFIAP, KMF FSS, Representative of Photo Association of Serbia
At the Serbia Railway Museum, on November 16, 2015 at 18 pm, in the presence of numerous guests, is open to the International Photo exhibition titled 2nd international Salon of Photography Shadow 2015.
The exhibition is divided thematically into six segments: 4 Digital Sections – Shadow, Macro, Nature, Religion and 2 Prints Sections Open color and Open monochrome.
Serbia PHOTO, Belgrade as organizer of the exhibition, provided the patronage of the Photo Association of Serbia (FSS), the International Organization of Artistic photographers (FIAP) Photographic Society of America (PSA), Royal Photographic Society (RPS) and United Photographers International (UPI).
The competition had registered 236 participants with 3140 photographs from 55 countries.
 The international jury, composed of superior photography artists is selected 982 images of 212 authors from 55 countries.
Opening event, luring magical sounds from his violin, marked a professor Živojin Velimirovic and professor Nenad Mendelson.
The guests werewelcomed byMr.István Virág, who opened the exhibition.
Mr. István Virág
We are pleased to present the winners deliver medals and commendations, by the president of the Association of Serbia PHOTO, Ljiljana Vrzic.
The art photographer Mr. Pantelija Ilic receives a medal from the President of Serbia PHOTO Ljiljana Vrzić
We are honored to welcome thedirector of the museum, Mr. Nenad VojÄić, President ofartisticjuryandmasters of photographyand member ofULUPUDSBranislavStrugar, as well asthe distinguishedphoto artists and membersof the jury–Mr. István Viragand Mr. ZoranPavlovic.
Museum director Mr. Nenad Vojcic
In the gallery of the Serbian Railway Museum Salon in Belgrade, visitors were able to enjoy digital projection of the awarded and received digital works, as well as received prints exhibited works which were awarded medals.
For this exhibition is superbly printed catalog sizes 21×21 cm with many beautiful reproductions of works and statistical data on the results achieved by all registered participants.
President of supervisor Committee Photo Association of Serbia Mr. Bozidar Vitas, Mrs. Tomka Vitas and Mr. Milan Markovic
The event ended with a cocktail in a friendly atmosphere with a conversation about photography.
Marc Riboud (French, b.1923) is a photographer best known for his images of the East. At the Great Exhibition of Paris in 1937, he took his first pictures. From 1945 to 1948, he studied engineering and worked in a factory, but soon left this job to pursue photography full time. He moved to Paris, where he met Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, and David Seymour, the founders of Magnum Photos. In 1953, he became a member of the organization. That same year, he published his now-famous image of a painter standing on the Eiffel Tower in Life magazine.
In 1955, he traveled throughout the Middle East and Afghanistan, and eventually landed in India, where he remained for one year. He then became one of the first European photographers to travel to China.
Marc Ribaud Manuscript
After three months in the USSR in 1960, he followed the independence movement in Algeria and Western Africa.
Between 1968 and 1969, he was one of the few photographers allowed to travel in South and North Vietnam. He also captured the iconic anti-war image Flower Power, which was taken in Washington, D.C., in 1967. In 1976, he became president of Magnum, but resigned three years later in order to travel more.
Riboud was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society in 1998. His work is frequently exhibited at museums throughout Europe, as well as the United States, China, and Japan.