We are very proud that Mr. István Virag, a member of Serbia PHOTO Association, FIAP, FSS, FKVK “Rada Krstic” in Sombor, and FK “Moholy”, Baja, Hungary, achieved great success in the field of art photography.
![Author in front of his photo](https://media.srbijafoto.rs/2015/01/1.-Autor-pred-fotografijom-Look03.jpg)
In October last year he was admitted to the World Association of photo-artists of Hungarian nationality (World Association of Hungarian Photographers), which gathers together photographers from around the world.
![István Virag and Joseph J. Fekete, a regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, in front of the photo](https://media.srbijafoto.rs/2015/01/2.-Ištvan-Virag-i-Jožef-J.-Fekete-redovni-član-Akademije-umetnosti-Mađarske-pred-fotografijom-Trippers02.jpg)
![In the company with President WAHP dr. Patrus Sandor](https://media.srbijafoto.rs/2015/01/3.-Ištvan-Virag-u-društvu-sa-predsednikom-WAFP-dr.-Patruš-Šandorom.jpg)
Membership in this association is granted on the basis of recommendations or invitation by submitting a portfolio and based on the assessment of the competent authority WAHP.
![In a conversation with the audience](https://media.srbijafoto.rs/2015/01/4.-U-razgovoru-sa-publikom.jpg)
In Győr (Győr) in Hungary on January 20, 2015 was prepared a promotional exhibition of new members. István Virag presented with “Look03” and “Trippers02”.