Milan Zivkovic was born in 1960 in the city of Bavaniste, Banat, Serbia.
Since 1984. begins to work in Natural History Museum, Belgrade, as preparator in Zoological Department and the following year he began to work as a photographer and designer.
Than from 2002. to 2005th he worked as an editor of the Photo Gallery of the Cultural Centre in Kovin.
Since 2005, working as an Executive Editor, and in 2012. as a Chief Editor of Refoto Photo Journal.
He also had a 11 photographic projects related to the nature of which had more than 100 exhibitions in over 20 cities in the country and abroad (Portugal , France and Bulgaria).
He has held a number of school photo educations.
One little interesting fact about the presentation is that in 1997. in Paris: at the rewards for life achievement of Captain Kustou, there was shown to him one of his multimedia presentation that was realized in collaboration with two other colleagues.