I was born in Batina, 1944th , a picturesque village near the Danube. There (with gently hug of a weary river, which knows no boundaries), I learned to love nature and people.
From here, I brought saddlebags full of beauty in that, from time to time, I reach to banished everyday life drab.
I was a wage earner of the Nation (a teacher), the servant of history (historical archivist), the representative of the people (professional politician) and general public attorney (reporter). Now I’m a photographer – for a life time.
I was interested in photography in Sombor since 1970., under the influence of the now deceased friend Ladislav PETRES, master of the photography art.
Soon, however, the photographic equipment ended up at the bottom of the closet.
After forty years of delay, at the encouragement of Stevan Pete (first categories photographer), I took a camera in hand again. I fell asleep, as I like to say, in the analogy, and woke up in the digital age.
Couple of years before, I joined the photo club “Rada Krstic” in Sombor, and also joined the Photo Association of Serbia.
This year I got the title of F1 FSS.
I am searching for a beauty, hoping to found goodness… In the eyes of both – known and unknown portrayed people.
I was particularly preoccupied of abstraction photography form, which I think is the only absolutely free of all. She’s in collusion with the subtlest secrets of creation.
Istvan Virag